Church Groups


Under the leadership of our Director of Music, Mr. Douglas Schalin, our Choir provides inspirational music for our services throughout the Christian year with a wide variety of anthems, solos and duets representing many different types of church music both traditional and modern. Special musical presentations are also featured during the year, e.g. at Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and Anniversary. On the Second Sunday in Advent, the choir presents its Carol Service or Christmas Cantata.

Choir practices are held each Thursday evening from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.

For further information, please contact our Director of Music, Mr. Douglas Schalin, at (705) 755-1184.

Community Kitchen

From November to the end of April hot meals are served to the less fortunate in our community on Sunday evenings between 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. During the summer months, bag lunches are handed out at the same time.

We thank everyone who helps with this programme - those who donate the food and these who give their time to prepare and serve it. Special thanks to all the different churches and community groups who participate in this programme.

Contact: Susan Calderwood (705) 748-9785

Early Church In The Evening

Every Wednesday in The Guild Room. Prayers at 6:30 pm and Bible Study at 7:00 pm.

Come for one or come for both!

Everyone welcome!

Contact: Rev. Jonathan Baird (705) 745-1411

Ladies Aid Society

Since amalgamating with the Women's Missionary Society in 1998, the Ladies Aid meets on the first Monday of the month at 1:30 p.m. Its purpose is to support the Board of Managers and promote a feeling of friendliness among the ladies of the church. It assists, where possible, in church projects, takes responsibility for the Christmas Tea and Bazaar, and provides luncheons for bereaved families when asked.

Contact: Joan Lucas (705) 876-9800

Prayer Circle

Any member of the congregation desiring prayer for self, a family member or a friend is asked to contact one of the team captains by telephone. Requests may also be given to the church secretary in person or by telephone.

Messages will be relayed immediately to the team members. Strict confidentiality will be maintained.

Team captain: Mary Nesbitt (705) 745-4426

Sunday School

The Sunday School meets during the morning service and is open to all children and youth from 3 years upwards. A nursery and pre-school class is also available for babies and children up to 3 years of age.

The Sunday School runs from September through June, with a summer programme during the morning service for children up to the age of 12 years from July through to Labour Day.

The purpose of the Sunday School is to impart the Christian Faith to our young people through teaching bible stories and moral values. 

The children sponsor a foster child in Burkina Faso, and are also participating in raising money for the Eggs for India project.

Please contact Evelyn Turner, (705) 745-1411, for more information.

Women's Missionary Society

The WMS meet along with the Ladies Aid on the first Monday of each month except January at 1:30 p.m. 

The purpose of the group is to unite women, youth and children of the church in prayer, study and service for the advancement of the kingdom of God at home and abroad.

Contact: Joan Lucas (705) 876-9800

Youth Group

Every Saturday evening at 6:30 pm, in the Christian Education Hall, a Youth Group for high school kids.

Tell your children, grandchildren, friends and neighbours!

Contact: Eric Prugh (705) 652-1250